949-427-5108 ext 700 hello@pptwestcoast.com

Credit, Debit, & EBT Card Processing

Do you accept credits? Are you wondering how to set up a merchant account?

If you do not currently accept credit cards and debit cards, or if you are looking to find better discount rates for your existing merchant accounts, then PayProTec West Coast can help you.

By accepting credit card and debit card payments, both offline and online, you can improve your revenues. The preferred method for payment online is by credit cards, followed closely by debit cards and electronic checks, and a payment gateway helps in carrying out the online payment transactions with ease.

There are many options available to you as a merchant once you set up a credit card merchant account, which includes terminals, virtual terminals (web-based terminals), or phone verification. We at PayProTec West Coast provide online credit, debit and EBT payment processing software solutions, from which you can benefit. Take a look at our market solutions page to see how we can help you find a merchant processing solution that fits your business.

Merchant Services (Credit Card Payment Processing)


With a merchant account, you can start accepting credit cards at your store or on your website in less than 24 hours!

  • A credit card merchant account for immediate transaction processing
  • Accept all Major Credit Cards including Visa®®, MasterCard®, American Express®, and Discover® cards
  • All funds are promptly wired into the checking account of your choice
  • Convenient online reporting and management of your transactions
  • Free equipment programming and overnight shipping
  • Free equipment setup, installation, and employee training
  • Secure, encrypted, SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for secure transactions.
  • Online payment processing software allows you to instantly accept credit card payments in real-time over the Internet.
  • A Web-based terminal for easy processing of credit card orders manually
  • Domain name registration (Domain names as low as $7.95 per year)
  • Website hosting, email accounts, and account management online access


Contact PayProTec West Coast

Have a question or comment about a service, package, or anything else relating to PayProTec? Fill out this form below. It goes directly to our inbox and you’re guaranteed a response within 12 hours or give us a call at 949-427-5108 ext 700.

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Benefits from Accepting Credit Cards

Accepting credit cards will often double… even triple your current sales. Studies show businesses that accept credit cards can see a huge increase in volume… almost overnight.

It will legitimize your business. Studies show that when you display credit card logos as forms of payment you accept, these logos create a sense of ‘trust’ in your customers mind, and if they trust you, your customers will buy from you.

A merchant account improves cash flow. Accepting cards has a huge positive effect on business cash flow. Even if sales don’t increase (and they almost always do) your business will benefit by having the money from the credit card sale instantly delivered to your bank account. No more waiting for check to clear, or sending out time consuming invoices, waiting for payment. With credit cards you get your money from your customers quickly and easily.

Over 90% of web purchases are made using credit cards. If you are selling ANYTHING on the web and you are not accepting credit cards, you are eliminating 90% of your potential buyers.

Grabs Impulse buyers. Credit card holders buy more on impulse, are more affluent, and buy 2.5 times more merchandise than non-card holders.

Competition. Your competition is already accepting credit cards. You need to accept cards in order to survive.

Convenience. Let your customer decide the most convenient way to buy from you. Many customers want to use credit cards because of reward points or reward miles associated with their credit card. Customers are more likely to buy from a business that accepts credit cards than one who does not. Don’t lose a customer to a competitor just because you don’t accept credit cards.

Larger orders. The average order size of someone paying via credit card tends to be larger than someone paying by cash or check. And larger orders = more profit. In addition, customers paying by credit card tend to place extra orders and order more often.

A merchant account is inexpensive. Gone are the days of high rates and fees. Today’s credit card processing rates are so low even the smallest mom and pop outfit can easily accept credit cards. In fact, usually the increase in sales a business receives when they do accept credit cards more than covers the small costs involved. As a result, by accepting credit cards many businesses make more money!

Quick and easy setup. Many businesses think getting setup to accept credit cards is a long and tedious process. No more! Most of the time you can be up and running within 24 – 48 hours. If a provider tells you otherwise, go somewhere else!

Call today for a free consultation and rate quote, 937-388-4727
